BRL 9320 asphalt certification for Bouwend Nederland
Services: BRL 9320 Implementation
Finding a balance between protecting the soil quality for people and the environment.

Vakgroep Bitumineuze Werken (VBW), part of Bouwend Nederland
As successor to the Building Materials Decree (BsB), the Bbk entered into force on 1-1-2008. The aim of the Bbk is sustainable soil management. In other words: finding a balance between protecting the soil quality for people and the environment, and using the soil for social developments such as housing or road construction.
The Bbk applies to the entire building materials chain. All links in the chain must meet the quality requirements set by the Bbk for building materials. In concrete terms, this means that the Bbk only relates to stony materials. Examples include concrete, asphalt, roof tiles and bricks.
For the use of building materials, requirements have been set for the method of application and the reporting of building materials. Private individuals are exempt from the mandatory quality determination and reporting of building materials.
All asphalt producers in the Netherlands are therefore bound to use approved constituent building materials for the production of asphalt. To this end, TOP / NCOB has compiled a list of building materials to be used (OPWA = Description Product Group Warm Asphalt). The most recent version of this OPWA can always be downloaded from our website. The basis for this list is, among other things, investigated asphalt mixtures (from 1999 to the present) and is based on the environmental hygiene analyzes on the one hand and the associated mixture composition and constituent building materials on the other. This file is dynamic and is continuously adapted and provides information about the quantity in which certain constituent building materials (or groups of constituent building materials) can be used. On the basis of the information gathered, a statement can be made, based on the mixture composition, as to whether or not this composition may be produced under NL BSB®.
How’s life now?
Studies have shown that the asphalt in the Netherlands is an excellent product from an environmental hygiene point of view!
This is an ongoing project of TOP.
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